The games League of Legends, Fortnite, Rocket League and Valorant are the kings of esports, with unprecedented growth and worldwide users. However, the advent of mobile esports games is showing massive growth at a rate that may surpass the non-mobile alternatives.

The reason?

Well it's simple, it's access to everyone. Games that anyone can play, anywhere they are and perhaps more importantly, instantly. The most recent popular esports games can show this trend, as in 2020, across all esports titles, four of the top five games were mobile.

Mobile operators and esports

With 5G rollouts and mobile operator focus on esports we see this as the beginning of a new form of gaming. We are now seeing mobile operator participation across sponsorship and teams, including deploying their own esports channels. Further, as first person and online gaming overlap the crossover to all gaming formats will evolve seamlessly from mobile to PC and console. We see this becoming more intertwined and embedded with gamers.

Mobile gaming advancements means mobile esports has the potential to activate new players across the globe, catering for anyone, whatever their playing level. This shift will transform and change competitive gaming.

These are exciting times for clipfeed's esports operations and with mobile operators increasing interest into esports, we're set to tap into new gaming niches we’ve never seen before.

For more on mobile operators involvement in esports take a read on our blog:

Why mobile operators must participate in esports
